Data Erasure

How do you respond about the term “Data Erasure”? Does the word “security” come to your senses?  You might have thought about securing the big amount of confidential data of the organization.

In the present day, every type of firm should supervise their local hard drives, multi-disk servers, system backups and even the mobile phones having internet connectivity, Wi-Fi passwords, memory cards etc. Managing and securing data refers to the complete process of lifecycle of data – starting from the data creation till the end of data disposal.

Now the question arises “How are you disposing of your data and are you 100% confident it is secure at the end?”

Data erasure is a type of technique using computer software applications for overwriting the entire organization’s data on computer storage devices inculcating with the binary patterns. It simply means to ask an organisation that holds data about you to delete that data as data cleansing, data destruction, and data wiping from Hard Drives, memory and other removable devices.  When data erasure operations are not accomplished or appropriately carried out, responsive and private files may be left behind on devices. 

In this case, firms are facing the risk of a data breach or theft, when intellectual property, private documents, email ID/Passwords, financial/health records and other confidential information are not strongly wiped from storage media.

Need Of Data Erasure

  • Privacy Need

When the systems are operating, a lot of consideration is to be paid to protect the company’s restricted data. If Data Erasure is not performed, retired systems can cause a major danger of data leakage.

  • The Need for Compliance

Any business should ensure Data Erasure preceding to disposing of IT systems in accordance with several international standards, including ISO27001, SOX, HIPAA, etc.

  • According to Legal Action (Indian DPDP 2023 Act)

The DPDP Act places liability on the business that has personal data (workers or customers). If not, retention is required to follow to existing legislation, a data fiduciary must destroy personal data after the proposed use has been fulfilled. To stop breaches of personal data, data fiduciaries must also implement suitable security measures.

  • Employee Attrition Rate

Due to the 10% annual attrition rate that most businesses experience, we must get it removed the business data from leaving employees’ laptops, desktop computer, and mobile devices to conform with India’s data protection regulations.

  • Accordance with E-Waste

It’s warned to delete the data when you give your end-of-life assets (laptops, desktops, and mobile phones) to e-waste providers to uphold your company’s data privacy.

Adopting the accurate Data Erasure Services to reduce the risks of data breaches and achieve compliance with data protection legislation providing one of the safest and most efficient ways to eradicate redundant data.

Our Data Erasure Services

We, the team of CSSI can promise the assurance of forensic-level data sanitation putting all your data beyond use. Our expertise erasure sequence and verification that we use entirely erase all the data, including hidden areas of the storage media & remapped sectors to most software applications.

Benefits of using Our Data Erasure

  • Wipe data from all storage media. HDD, SDD, Flash, Mobile, Cloud, Virtual, RAID, LUN
  • Detailed and tamper-proof reports to prove successful erasure and comply with legal auditing requirements
  • Help you to Erasure that your information is securely removed from any media type
  • Fully certified with NATO, DoD, NSTL, TUV – Rheinland, NIST, CESG, INFOSEC, AIVD, NSM, ABW, RITEA
  • Additionally, certified solutions typically undergo precise testing and observe industry standards and best practices providing a level of faith and confidence.
  • To propose tamper-proof erasure certificates, providing solid evidence of the data erasure process

Through CSSI Data Erasure Services, you can be assured that your company, employee, and customer information are safe. We guarantee you to get rid of everything of your surplus IT equipment making sure that your information is safely and completely removed.

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